Brand Name: Eaton
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Arc Fault
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Height: 8.75 in.
*CSA Listed: Yes
*UL Listed: No
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Product Series: Type CH
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Depth: 1.12 in.
*Width: 3/4 in.
Brand Name: Federal Pacific
*Amps: 30 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*CSA Listed: No
*Depth: 1 in.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*UL Listed: No
*Height: 6 in.
*Volts: 240 volt
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 4 in.
Brand Name: Federal Pacific
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Height: 6 in.
*UL Listed: No
*CSA Listed: No
*Volts: 240 volt
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Depth: 1 in.
*Width: 4 in.
Brand Name: Federal Pacific
*Amps: 20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*UL Listed: No
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*CSA Listed: No
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Depth: 1 in.
*Height: 6 in.
*Volts: 240 volt
*Width: 4 in.
Brand Name: GE
*Sub Brand: Q-Line
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Height: 3.3 in.
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Depth: 2.4 in.
*UL Listed: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Breakers Included: Yes
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 1/2 in.
Brand Name: Pushmatic
*Amps: 20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*Depth: 1.5 in.
*Mounting Type: Bolt-On
*Height: 6 in.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: No
*UL Listed: No
*Width: 4 in.
Brand Name: Pushmatic
*Amps: 30 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*UL Listed: No
*CSA Listed: No
*Height: 6 in.
*Depth: 2 in.
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Mounting Type: Bolt-On
*Width: 6-1/4 in.
Brand Name: Pushmatic
*Amps: 50 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: No
*UL Listed: No
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*Depth: 2 in.
*Height: 6 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Width: 6-1/4 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Height: 4.12 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Depth: 2.92 in.
*Number of Spaces: 1
*UL Listed: Yes
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Product Series: QO
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Width: .75 in.
*2.92: in
*120/240: V
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Product Series: QO
*UL Listed: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Depth: 2.92 in.
*Number of Spaces: 1
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Height: 4.12 in.
*CSA Listed: Yes
*120/240: V
*Width: .75 in.
*2.92: in
Brand Name: Siemens *Sub Brand: HomeLine *Amps: 20 amps *Circuit Protection Type: Arc Fault/Single Pole *Number of Poles: 1 *Product Type: Circuit Breaker *CSA Listed: No *Product Series: HomeLine *Volts: 120/240 volts *UL Listed: No *Mounting Type: Plug-In *Height: 3.25 in. *Packaging Type: Carded *Depth: 3 in. *Width: 1 in. *Discovery ACC, CON, NBR, SUP
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: HomeLine
*Amps: 20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Surge
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Product Series: HomeLine
*CSA Listed: No
*Depth: 2.98 in.
*Volts: 120 volt
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Height: 3.13 in.
*UL Listed: Yes
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Number of Spaces: 1
*Width: 1 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Height: 3 in.
*UL Listed: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Product Series: QO
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Depth: 3-5/16 in.
*Width: 11/16 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 70 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Depth: 2.92 in.
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*CSA Listed: No
*Product Series: QO
*Height: 3.5 in.
*UL Listed: No
*Width: 1.48 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*UL Listed: Yes
*Product Series: QO
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Height: 3 in.
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Depth: 2.91 in.
*Width: 1.5 in.
Brand Name: Wadsworth
*Amps: 30 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Standard
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*UL Listed: No
*Height: 6 in.
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Depth: 2 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Packaging Type: Pegged
*Width: 6-1/4 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: HomeLine
*Amps: 50 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Ground Fault
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*CSA Listed: No
*UL Listed: No
*Product Series: HomeLine
*Height: 2.3 in.
*Depth: 7.9 in.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Width: 4.6 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 15/15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Tandem
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Product Series: QO
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*UL Listed: No
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Depth: 3.44 in.
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Height: 3.22 in.
*Number of Spaces: 1
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*CSA Listed: No
*3.44: in
*Width: .75 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Amps: 20/20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Tandem
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Packaging Type: Carded
*Product Series: QO
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*CSA Listed: Yes
*UL Listed: Yes
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Height: 3 in.
*Depth: 2.91 in.
*Width: .75 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 100 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*UL Listed: Yes
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: No
*Depth: 4.12 in.
*Product Series: QO
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Indoor or Outdoor: Outdoor
*Height: 5.2 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 6.92 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 25 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Product Series: QO
*Height: 3.5 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*UL Listed: Yes
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Depth: 2.92 in.
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Width: 1.48 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 30 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Product Series: QO
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*UL Listed: Yes
*Depth: 2.91 in.
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Height: 3 in.
*Width: 1.48 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 50 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Number of Spaces: 2
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Height: 3.5 in.
*UL Listed: Yes
*Product Series: QO
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Depth: 2.92 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 1.48 in.
*1.48: in
*3.5: in
*2.92: in
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 15/15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Tandem
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Depth: 3.3 in.
*UL Listed: Yes
*Height: 3/4 in.
*Number of Spaces: 1
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Product Series: QO
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 3/4 in.
*3.3: in
*3/4: in
Brand Name: Square D
*Amps: 20/20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Tandem
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Number of Spaces: 1
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Product Series: QO
*Depth: 2.92 in.
*Packaging Type: Sleeve
*CSA Listed: Yes
*Height: .75 in.
*UL Listed: Yes
*.75: in
*2.92: in
*Width: .75 in.
Brand Name: Square D
*Sub Brand: QO
*Amps: 100 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: 2-Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*CSA Listed: Yes
*UL Listed: No
*Product Series: QO
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Height: 5.3 in.
*Packaging Type: Boxed
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Depth: 4.3 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 4.3 in.
Brand Name: Eaton
*Sub Brand: Cutler-Hammer
*Amps: 15 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*Height: 6.5 in.
*CSA Listed: No
*Product Series: Type BR
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Packaging Type: Carded
*UL Listed: Yes
*Depth: 7.25 in.
*Width: 1 in.
*Replacement breaker to fit GE, Siemens, Crouse-Hinds, Murray, T&B and Square D Homeline panels
*Replaces Ace nos. 3108842,3108933 and 34177
Brand Name: Eaton
*Sub Brand: Cutler-Hammer
*Amps: 20 amps
*Circuit Protection Type: Plug In
*Number of Poles: Single Pole
*Product Type: Circuit Breaker
*UL Listed: Yes
*Packaging Type: Carded
*CSA Listed: No
*Depth: 7.25 in.
*Volts: 120/240 volt
*Product Series: Type BR
*Indoor or Outdoor: Indoor
*Height: 6.5 in.
*Mounting Type: Plug-In
*Width: 4.48 in.